Publications of the Research Unit Market Design

  1. Refereed Journal // 2019

    Equality of opportunity and integration in social networks

    We propose the notion of k-integration as a measure of equality of opportunity in social networks. A social network is k-integrated if there is a path of length at most k between any two individuals, thus…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2019

    The losses from integration in matching markets can be large

    Although the integration of two-sided matching markets using stable mechanisms generates expected gains from integration, I show that there are worst case scenarios in which these are negative. The losses…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-056 // 2018

    Endogenous Worst-Case Beliefs in First-Price Auctions

    Bidding in first-price auctions crucially depends on the beliefs of the bidders about their competitors' willingness to pay. We analyze bidding behavior in a first-price auction in which the knowledge of…