
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.07.1998 – 31.08.1999

    Auswirkungen der zunehmenden Institutionalisierung an internationalen Aktienmärkten auf die Corporate Governance in Deutschland

    An den internationalen Aktienmärkten kann seit längerem eine zunehmende Institutionalisierung festgestellt werden. Dies bedeutet, dass immer mehr privates Kapital von institutionellen Investoren, wie z. B.…

  2. Project // 01.07.1998 – 30.06.2000

    Environmental Taxes, International Competition and Employment in a Simulation Model with Monopolistic Competition

    From an economic perspective the continuing debate about environmental taxes, particularly in connection with climate protection, essentially revolves around two questions: -the effects of such taxes on…

  3. Project // 01.07.1998 – 01.04.2000

    Default Probability and Rating in the Lending Business

    Although the lending business is of great importance to the earnings and risk situation of banks, there are few empirical studies on the lending and credit surveillance process. The research project "Loan…

  4. Project // 01.06.1998 – 30.04.2004

    Macro-Econometric Disequilibrium Model

    The ZEW´s macro-econometric model for Germany (Mannheim Macroeconometric Model) facilitates, on the basis of the neo-Keynesian theory, the analysis of economic processes and the classification of specific…

  5. Project // 01.05.1998 – 30.04.2000

    Applied Global Simulation of Renewable Energies on Internet (AVALANCHE)

    This research project aims at making technological and economic information on renewable energies available on the Internet in a standardised form. We want to make it possible for users to obtain data on the…

  6. Project // 01.05. – 31.10.1998

    Identification of Guidelines for Environmental Technology Research in the State of Baden-Württemberg

    The research project builds on the results achieved in the previous "Indicative Analysis for Future Directions of Environmental Technologies Research in the State of Baden-Württemberg" by ZEW and Prognos in the…

  7. Project // 01.05.1998 – 31.10.1999

    Renewable Electricity and Liberalised Markets (REALM)

    The focus of this project was on the past and future role of renewable sources of energy in the strategy of European electricity companies. The project team comprised energy researchers and electricity utilities…

  8. Project // 01.05.1998 – 28.02.1999

    Aktienbewertung mit dem Discounted Cash Flow Ansatz

  9. Project // 01.04.1998 – 31.12.1999

    CD-Rom Altersvorsorge KOMPETENT

    Das System der Alterssicherung in Deutschland steht nach mehreren Reformen in den Neunzigerjahren erneut auf dem Prüfstand. Zwei Gruppen, die von einer möglichen Neuausrichtung des auf mehreren Säulen basierenden…