
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01.2001 – 31.12.2003

    Climate Platform

    Regarding the future design of climate policy on national, European and international levels, a series of questions have yet to be answered, ranging from the analysis of the incentive effects of different designs…

  2. Project // 01.01.2001 – 30.06.2003

    Assessment and Dissemination Activity on Major Investment Opportunities for Renewable Electricity in Europe Using the REBUS Tool (ADMIRE-REBUS)

    The ADMIRE-REBUS project aims at reducing barriers to further development of renewable electricity production in the EU, particularly:

    • Uncertainty on the side of potential investors on the size and value of the EU…
  3. Project // 01.01. – 31.03.2001

    The Effects of the German Pension Reform on the German Venture Capital Market

    Erfahrungen aus den USA und auch aus einigen europäischen Ländern belegen, dass die institutionelle Ausgestaltung der Altersicherungssysteme einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Venture Capital (VC) Märkte haben…

  4. Project // 18.12.2000 – 17.12.2001

    Welfare analysis of fiscal and social security reforms in Europe: does the representation of family decision processes matter?

    This project focuses on the quantitative evaluation of reforms of fiscal and social security reforms. These reforms generally have an impact on living conditions and on access to resources and affect the…

  5. Project // 01.12.2000 – 30.04.2002

    Application of Hedonic Techniques in the Consumer Price Index - Case of IT and Automobile

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is undertaking a study for the Statistical Office Germany in order to discern the possibilities of applying hedonic techniques to quantify quality changes in…

  6. Project // 19.11.2000 – 31.01.2001

    Financial sector study Turkey

    On behalf of the IFC International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group) and in cooperation with the Internationale Projekt Consult (IPC) GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, the Turkish financial sector should be analysed. The…

  7. Project // 01.11.2000 – 31.08.2003

    The Relationship Between Environmental Performance and Shareholder Value

    The aim the project was to analyse the relationships between shareholder performance and environmental performance. In the first part we used firm-level data (stock price, sustainability rating, ...) and estimate…

  8. Project // 01. – 31.10.2000

    Innovation Activities in the German Car Manufacturing

    Using data from the Mannheim Innovationpanel (MIP) the innovation behaviour of German car manufacturing firms is analysed. 4 topics are tackled: R&D activities of German car manufacturing firms, innovation…

  9. Project // 01. – 31.10.2000

    Innovation Activities of Firms in Lower Saxony

    Using Data from the Mannheim Innovation Panels (MIP) the innovation activities of firms in the German federal state Lower Saxony are analysed. 4 topics are tackled: R&D activities of firms in Lower Saxony,…

  10. Project // 01.10. – 30.11.2000

    Procedure and Instruments in the Conceptualisation of a Feasibility Study with respect to Recycling of Refrigerating Units and CFC in China, Region of GuangZhou

    The recycling of refrigerating units poses specific challenges to logistics as a significant amount of ozone-depleting CFC emissions will occur from within transport damages to the coolant system on its way from…

  11. Project // 01.10. – 30.11.2000

    Procedure and Instruments in the Conceptualisation of a Feasibility Study with respect to Recycling of Refrigerating Units and CFC in China, Region of GuangZhou

    The recycling of refrigerating units poses specific challenges to logistics as a significant amount of ozone-depleting CFC emissions will occur from within transport damages to the coolant system on its way from…

  12. Project // 01.10.2000 – 15.02.2001

    Emissions Trading in the Transportation Sector

    The goal of this project was to develop and evaluate different approaches of emissions trading in the transport sector. In doing so, we focused mainly on road traffic. A set of assessment criteria was developed,…