
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.09.2016 – 31.03.2017

    Career Experiences and Stock Market Expectations of Financial Professionals

    Witnessing stock-market history in the making creates a vivid story, but does not provide valuable information for forming return expectations. However, using a unique dataset about the timing of professionals'…

  2. Project // 01.09.2016 – 30.06.2017

    Leading Economic Indexes for China

    The aim of this project ist to analyse and evaluate leading business cycle indicators for China.

  3. Project // 15.08.2016 – 30.10.2018

    Analysis of the use of Crowdworking in Germany

    In this project, we examined to what extend firms in different inustries in Germany rely on crowdworking over time. Crowdworking describes the allocation of usually internal business tasks and projects via online…

  4. Project // 15.08.2016 – 31.05.2017

    Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in the Social Market Economy

    The social market economy in Germany has long been associated with ensuring prosperity and social inclusion. Given growing income and wealth inequality, the question of sustainability of this economic role model…

  5. Project // 15.08.2016 – 31.05.2017

    Vorschlag für ein effizientes, einfaches und gerechtes Steuer-und Transfersystem zur Steigerung inklusiven Wachstums

    Das deutsche Steuer- und Transfersystem wird immer wieder als wachstums- und anreizfeindlich kritisiert. Internationale Organisationen wie die OECD bemängeln regelmäßig die hohe Belastung kleiner und insbesondere…

  6. Project // 01.08. – 31.10.2016

    Analysis of Economic Data for the Cluster ICT, Media, Cultural Economy 2016

    The goal of the project is to collect and to structure economic data for the cluster ICT, media, cultural economy for the purpose of statistical analyses. The cluster ICT, media, cultural economy includes…

  7. Project // 01.08. – 30.11.2016

    The Economic Importance of Family Enterprises 2016

    The majority of companies in Germany are family companies. They are not only represented in the SME sector, but a significant portion also among the large companies with more than 50 million Euro in annual sales.…

  8. Project // 13.07. – 31.08.2016

    Child allowances in the social insurance

    In contrast to the German tax law there are no child allowances in the social insurance. In this project we analyze their introduction, limited to the statutory pension insurance, using the ZEW tax-transfer…

  9. Project // 01.07. – 30.09.2016

    Analysis of the Suspension of Electricity Supply Following §19 Abs. 2 StromGVV

    In the project, we analysed the reasons for power cuts and examined possible countermeasures.

  10. Project // 01.07.2016 – 31.05.2017

    Increasing the R&D to GDP ratio to 3.5% - Policy Instruments and Likely Impacts on Macroeconomic Indicators

    This research project analyses ways and implications of increasing the R&D to GDP ratio in Germany to 3.5% by 2025. Using microeconomic, sector-level and macroeconomic approaches, the research focuses on

    • Current…
  11. Project // 01.07.2016 – 30.06.2020

    Building Resilient Economic Agglomerations on Transportation and Health Effects: Urban form, location choice and transport solutions for high air quality and low-carbon cities

    BREATHE will analyse the interactions between urban form, economic welfare, energy use and emissions by households and firms. Increasing urban density and increasing city size tend to reduce households’ average…

  12. Project // 25.06.2016 – 24.06.2017

    Effective Levels of Company Taxation within an Enlarged European Union and Related Supporting Services, Update 2016

    Pursuing the goals of the Lisbon Strategy, the European Commission addresses the malfunctioning of the Internal Market due to corporate tax obstacles. In this context, effective tax burdens reveal possible…