
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01. – 31.07.1997

    Environmental standards in international trade

    The study was intended to shed light from a regulatory standpoint on the role of foreign policy instruments in affecting environmental policy changes in other countries. The analysis resulted in a catalog of…

  2. Project // 01.01.1997 – 31.12.1998

    The path to sustainable energy supply in Germany

    The federal governmant in its energy policy faces constraints both with respect to party interests, lobby groups and media agendas on the national level as well as regarding international climate policy…

  3. Project // 01.11.1996 – 31.03.1997

    Heating and energy: research report on the current status

    The goal of the main project was to develop a fuel cell benchmarking procedure with which to evaluate the energy efficiency of whole areas. With respect to buildings, to date, the structure itself had been central…

  4. Project // 01.09.1996 – 30.09.1998

    The Impact of Non-Profit Temping Agencies in the West German State of Rhine-Land-Palatinate

    To fight long-term unemployment in Germany, a newpromotional program by the German Federal government startedin October 1994 - "Guidelines for the promotion ofreintegrating the hard-to-place unemployed by means of…

  5. Project // 01.08. – 31.12.1996

    Focus on the Introduction of Renewable Energies

    The project was conducted with the goal of preparing a valid policy outline capable of producing consensus with respect to the promotion of renewables in the energy industry. A bidding model based on the…

  6. Project // 01.07.1996 – 31.12.1998

    Vocational Continuous Training, Income and Self-Employment

    The profitability of vocational and further training activities differs with respect to the individual, firms’ and the economy’s point of view. These differences explain some of the observed heterogeneity of…

  7. Project // 01.07.1996 – 01.05.1999

    Optimale Hedgestrategien für langfristige Positionen

  8. Project // 01.05.1996 – 31.10.1997

    Quality Indicators for Transport Systems (QUITS)

    The objective of the project is the development of a method for the assessment of the quality of different transportation systems and service providers in Europe. The scope of the method for both the…

  9. Project // 01.04.1996 – 31.05.2001

    Report on Germany's Technological Performance

    The economic structural change taking place throughout the world today is progressively driven by the “intensification of knowledge”. Knowledge accumulation and an economy’s capability to learn, to generate and to…

  10. Project // 01.04.1996 – 28.02.2002

    Technical progress, qualification and labor demand

    Technological progress in western economies has contributed to an immense rise in productivity, incomes and goods available over the last hundred years. Though not to the same extent as productivity and wages,…

  11. Project // 01.03.1996 – 30.04.1998

    Employment effects in the light of the transition from additive to integrated environmental technologies

    The study provides theoretically and empirically well founded assessments of the employment effects of environmental innovations, which are as such closely tied to the increased adoption of integrated…