
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.03. – 30.04.2006

    Impacts of Emissions Trading on Employment and Competitiveness in Europe

    The European Commission had assessed the national allocation plans of Member States for a European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). In this situation the impact of emissions trading on competitiveness and jobs…

  2. Project // 27.02. – 31.05.2006

    Analysis of a Forward Rate Bias-Strategy

    The project analysed the performance of an investment strategy which is based on differences between forward rates and money market interest rates. In particular, the project aimed to investigate the stability of…

  3. Project // 01.02.2006 – 31.05.2007

    Health care in German Households - Effects on Intra-family Time-Use and Expenditures

    This project intends to measure the effects of health care policies and the need for health care of one of the spouses on the intra-household allocation of resources. Our analysis is based on a micro-economic…

  4. Project // 01.02.2006 – 31.01.2009

    TranSust.Scan - Scanning Policy Scenarios for the Transition to Sustainable Economic Structures

    The focus of this research project is to scan a wide range of policy scenarios as to their relevance for the European Sustainable Development Strategy in view of Extended Impact Assessment. Embedded in the…

  5. Project // 01.02.2006 – 31.01.2008

    Evaluating Integrated Impact Assessments

    The process of Impact Assessment (IA) aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of regulation by providing policy makers with information on likely costs and benefits, stimulating early interdepartmental…

  6. Project // 01.01. – 31.12.2006

    Skill Formation in Childhood

    In this project the technology of skill formation in early childhood has been investigated. It was the aim to integrate recent findings from childhood research (neuroscience, developmental psychology) into…

  7. Project // 01.01.2006 – 01.09.2008

    Effective levels of company taxation within an enlarged European Union

    The EU enlargement with ten new Member States considerably widens the Internal Market and opens it to participants with very different levels of economic development. In this context, this study analyses the…

  8. Project // 01.01.2006 – 22.04.2009

    Policy instruments to increase R&D expenditures: improving the policy mix

    The project has three main objectives:

    1. Review of policies and instruments capable of raising R&D investment in Europe, the USA, Japan, Canada and South Corea
    2. Assessing the effectiveness of different policy mixes to…
  9. Project // 01.01.2006 – 30.04.2007

    Evaluation, Innovation, Forschung, Informationtechnologie

    IST (Information Society Technologies) reside among the European Commisions priorities within the Framework Programme structuring European research activities. The project is aimed at an assessment of existing…

  10. Project // 01.01.2006 – 30.04.2009

    Impact of R&D Programmes on Innovation: an international comparison

    In order to stimulate the competitiveness the EU council invoked the Lisbon-Process. In addition, the crucial importance of R&D for future competitiveness is highlighted by the Barcelona objectives which hold that…

  11. Project // 01.01. – 30.06.2006

    High-Tech Start-ups in Germany

    The project pursues the following objectives:

    1. Investigation of the number and development of firm foundations in the high-tech sector with special emphasis on the field of information and communication…
  12. Project // 01.01. – 30.09.2006

    Contribution to Quality Monitoring of Integrated Employment Biographies: Development of Alternative Unemployment Classification Proposals

    The Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB), provided by the IAB, can be supposed to become one of the most important data sources for labour market research in Germany: The IEB link process data information of…