
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.02. – 30.06.2016

    Austrian Research and Technology Report 2016

    The Austrian Report on Research and Technology summarises state and development of research and technology in Austria and presents government activities to promote scientific research and innovation in Austria. As…

  2. Project // 01.02. – 31.10.2016

    Update 2016 of the Country Index for Family Enterprises

    In the year 2006, ZEW had developed the Country Index for Family Enterprises on behalf of the Stiftung Familienunternehmen. The objective of this index is an international comparison of investment locations …

  3. Project // 28.01. – 02.12.2016

    Data-Report on Innovation Behaviour of Saxony‘s Economy

    Aim of the project is to create a sound database on the innovation behaviour of Saxony’s economy. Methodical the survey of the Mannheim Innovation Panel MIP will be advanced by an additive sample of Saxony…

  4. Project // 15.01.2016 – 31.03.2017

    R&D Tax Incentives – Study on Design Options and Impacts

    This project focuses on four topics:

    1. Models for designing an R&D tax incentive scheme for Germany with a particular focus on avoiding non-intended effects such as deadweight and re-declaration.
    2. Alternative funding…
  5. Project // 01.01.2016 – 30.06.2017

    Too-big-to-fail in the European Banking Sector

    We investigate the implications of government interventions and regulatory changes on too-big-too-fail expectations of European banks. First evidence from market returns over the 1996 to 2016 period suggests that…

  6. Project // 01.01.2016 – 31.03.2017

    The Reaction of Establishments to Labour Shortages

    There is no general shortage in qualified labour in Germany. But analysis by the Federal Agency for Employment show that in some segments of the German labour market there is a shortage of qualified labour at the…

  7. Project // 01.01.2016 – 30.09.2017

    Structure of Tax Systems in Europe – an Analysis of the Developments in the Member States of the European Union (and other Countries)

    The goal of the European Single Market has led to standardization in several areas within the European Union during the last years. However, this is not true for the tax systems that remain part of the autonomous…

  8. Project // 01.01.2016 – 31.01.2017

    Convergence of Unemployment Benefit Schemes in Europe

    Strengthening economic policy coordination and setting EU wide standards, for example for labor markets, is high on the political agenda in Europe (Five Presidents’ Report 2015). One important aspect in the debate…

  9. Project // 01.01.2016 – 30.04.2017

    Inverse December Fever: Tax avoidance behaviour of Austrian SME

    This project exploits rich administrative tax-return data on the population of Austrian small and medium enterprises and their owners to study the behavioral responses of firms to taxes. The preliminary results…

  10. Project // 01.01. – 31.10.2016

    Meta-Study on the Role of Broadband Internet on Innovation, Productivity and Employment

    New ICT services like cloud computing, big data analytics, video on demand, e-health and e-government benefit from exponential growth of processing power and storage capacity. However, these services depend on…

  11. Project // 01.01.2016 – 31.05.2019

    Real-World Laboratory: Asylum Seekers

    “Real-World Laboratory: Asylum Seekers“ was a project jointly carried out with the Heidelberg University of Education. It focused on several potential factors that influence the integration of asylum seekers in…

  12. Project // 15.12.2015 – 31.08.2017

    The Role and Impact of Business Angels in Financing Research and Innovation

    This project collected information on the landscape of business angel funding throughout Europe, focusing on the role of business angel funding in funding innovation. To this end, the project surveyed and…