
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.05.2003 – 30.10.2005

    Implementation and evaluation of new measures to foster mediation of the unemployed: 37a SGB III, mediation vouchers and PSA (IAB-Project 10/6 - 544A)

    This project assessed the impact of new public measures to foster mediation of the unemployed into employment. Based on micro- and macroeconomic data effects of mediation vouchers, the delegation of mediation to…

  2. Project // 07.04.2003 – 31.01.2004

    Prospects for the private equity and venture capital engagement of the Landesbank NRW

    Project description in English is not available.

  3. Project // 01.04.2003 – 31.12.2006

    Structural Modelling and Analysis of Strategic Competition and Mergers in Heterogenous-Product Markets

    The wave of corporate mergers during the nineties has sparked new interest in economic analyses of the preconditions and consequences of increasing market concentration. Traditionally, static microeconomic models…

  4. Project // 01.04.2003 – 31.12.2004

    Alliance for Job Placement in the County of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

    This project aims at evaluating the efficiency in terms of job placement of the instruments used within the framework of the so-called “alliance for jobs” in the county of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. Using hazard…

  5. Project // 01.04. – 01.08.2003

    Gateway to Euroland

    The ZEW produces, in the order of Finanzplatz e.V., Frankfurt a. M., a brochure that will serve as an orientation guide for foreign investors, issuers and financial services providers. The brochures will describe…

  6. Project // 15.03. – 30.11.2003

    Determination of Factors for the Aggregated Tax Base of the Swiss Reform of Fiscal Equalisation

    The planned reform of fiscal equalisation among Swiss cantons is partly based on the Aggregated Tax Base (ATB), which represents the fiscal capacity of different cantons. As some types of companies are favourably…

  7. Project // 01.03.2003 – 29.02.2004

    Economic evaluation of proposed measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases

    The state of Baden-Württemberg pledges to uphold the federal government's commitment to an on average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 21% in the years 2008-2012 as compared to 1990. The national climate…

  8. Project // 01.03.2003 – 30.06.2005

    ICT usage and the age structure of employees

    In Germany, persons between 55 and 64 years of age have a lower labour participation in comparison to younger persons. The actual age at which persons start drawing pensions is well below the regular retirement…

  9. Project // 01.03.2003 – 15.05.2005

    Fixed-term contracts - Stepping stones into regular employment or instruments of labour market segmentation?

    In Germany, over a third of all new hires are based on fixed-term contracts. However, the effects of fixed-term contracts on individual career paths and the employment conditions of fixed-term workers have not…

  10. Project // 01.02.2003 – 31.07.2005

    The Provision of Basic Services in Liberalised Markets (BASIC)

    The proposed project BASIC investigates the question how to guarantee the provision of affordable and reliable basic services in the liberalised markets for electricity, telecommunication, public transport and…

  11. Project // 01.02.2003 – 31.01.2005

    Modelling the Transition to Sustainable Economic Structures (TranSust)

    In line with the Presidency Conclusions of the Goeteborg European Council, which emphasise the role of sustainable development for policy making in the EuropeanUnion, the project aimed at building a network of…