
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.06.2001 – 30.09.2003

    Qualification and success in the labour market in Germany and France - A comparison of the influence of political measures in the fields of education and families

    The relationship between individual qualification and labour market success is analysed for women and men in France and Germany. Because on the one hand the educational systems and on the other hand the general…

  2. Project // 01.06.2001 – 31.05.2003

    Social transfer systems in Europe: Design, redistributive effects, and public choice explanations

    Due to constantly rising social security budgets and negative incentives of social benefits on labour supply and growth, European social systems are put increasingly under pressure. In this situation, for social…

  3. Project // 09. – 18.05.2001

    Summer School Financial Economics of EU Enlargement

    The aim of the summer school was to foster a research network amongst Western and Eastern European economist working on transition economics and capital markets. In the core workshop of 3 days J. Hanousek (CERGE,…

  4. Project // 01.05.2001 – 31.08.2003

    European Hedonic Centre

    Different methods of adjusting for quality changes are a possible cause of international statistics not being comparable. Therefore the market for personal computers (PC) was chosen in order to establish, whether…

  5. Project // 01.05.2001 – 15.02.2002

    Identification of Regional Differences in Start-up Public Assistance

    English project description is not available.

  6. Project // 01.05.2001 – 30.11.2002

    ICT and workplace reorganisation

    In the literature, there is a controverse discussion on the productivity effects of information- and communication technologies (ICT). Some recent studies hint at the relationship between ICT and workplace…

  7. Project // 01.05.2001 – 31.03.2002

    Medium Term Forecasts of Euro Interest Rates

    It was the aim of the project to develop forecasting and simulation models for interest rates in the Euro area. The target interest rates are those with 6 months, 2, 5 and 10 years time to maturity. The…

  8. Project // 20.04.2001 – 31.12.2003

    Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy (BLUEPRINT)

    BLUEPRINT is the short name for "Blueprints for an Integration of Science, Technology and Environmental Policy". The network was designed to examine the relationship between S&T and environmental policies…

  9. Project // 01.04.2001 – 31.03.2002

    Model experiment III of the Forum for Energy Models and Energy Economic Systems Analysis in Germany: Environmental and Climate Protection in liberalised Energy Markets

    The liberalisation of European electricity and gas markets initiated in February 1996 leads to major structural changes in the energy industry. The competition now developing prompts firms in a at once challenging…

  10. Project // 01.04.2001 – 31.12.2009

    Allocative and Distributive Effects of Tax and Transfer Policies

    In this project, the existing system of models, PACE, will be further developed. The aim is to analyse the effects of taxation and social security contributions on the level and the structure of unemployment. The…

  11. Project // 01.04.2001 – 30.04.2004

    The Timing of Venture-Backed IPOs

  12. Project // 01.04. – 31.12.2001

    Estimation of the Effective Tax Rates for Norwegian Companies

    To assess the attractiveness of a location with respect to the corporate tax system, especially the two measures of the effective marginal and the effective average tax burden are available. The effective…