
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.04.2000 – 31.01.2001

    Digital Economy

    Die Arbeitsgruppe, an der alle Forschungsbereiche des ZEW beteiligt sind, setzt sich hauptsächlich mit mikroökonomischen Fragen der Digitalen Ökonomie auseinander, welche durch die zunehmende Entwicklung und…

  2. Project // 01.04.2000 – 30.04.2004

    Can Improving Low-Skilled Consumer-Services Jobs Help European Job Growth?

    This project is intended to stimulate research co-operation on the topic how employment growth of low qualified and badly paid can be reached without inducing a working poor effect. In this project, 5 topics are…

  3. Project // 28.03. – 03.04.2000

    Seminar Investmentbanking

  4. Project // 01.03. – 31.05.2000

    Sustainability Criteria (Lecture)


  5. Project // 01.03.2000 – 30.09.2001

    Social Security Systems, Real Wage Resistance and Employment: an Empirical Analysis of the Competitiveness of Social Security Systems

    The quintessence of the project were the questions to what extent changes in social security contributions affect labour costs and how the structure of the social security system has an impact on this relation.…

  6. Project // 01.03.2000 – 28.02.2005

    International Negotiations on Climate Protection in the Context of Domestic Climate Policy

    This project investigated the institutionalisation of multilateral environmental negotiations. In particular, using a game theoretical approach, the results achieved in international climate negotiations were…

  7. Project // 01.03.2000 – 31.08.2001

    Joint Implementation for International Emissions Reduction through Electricity Companies in the European Union and in the Central and Eastern European Countries (JOINT)

    Joint Implementation (JI) has been defined in the Kyoto Protocol as one of the major 'flexible mechanisms' by which to tackle issues of climate change under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate…

  8. Project // 01.03. – 30.11.2000

    Neue Regionenökonomik

    The development of traditional Regional Economics into what has been called New Economic Geography meant uniting all of the ZEW´s research departments into a collaborating team. Despite its clear roots in the…

  9. Project // 01.02.2000 – 31.07.2001

    The European Renewable Electricity Certificate Trading Project (RECerT)

    ** Press Release, February 2000

    ** 1st National Workshop, 4 September 2000, Hamburg

    ** 1st International Conference, 12 October 2000, Brussels

    ** 2nd National Workshop, 22 March 2001, Mannheim

    RECerT was a major…

  10. Project // 01.02.2000 – 31.07.2001

    The Role of an Integrated Tradable Green Certificate System in a Liberalising Market (InTraCert)

    The instrument of tradable certificates was the focal point of this research project. So far, the trading of green certificates for promoting renewable sources of energy has mainly been discussed for the…

  11. Project // 01.01. – 31.07.2000

    Harmonisation, Development and Positioning of Equilibrium Models

    The implementation of policies aimed at "sustainable" use of natural resources requires quantitative assessment of respective outcomes. The macroeconomic analysis supports the quantification of potential…

  12. Project // 01.01.2000 – 31.05.2002

    Socio-Economic Evaluation of Public RTD Policies

    English project description is not available.