
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 15.08. – 30.11.2006

    Portfolio Transactions in Germany - in the European context

    Subject of the study is the European market for portfolio transactions in the real estate markets. An introductory chapter discusses the macroeconomic background for portfolio transactions in Europe and the …

  2. Project // 15.08.2006 – 30.11.2008

    Taxation of ship management companies in Cyprus and the European Union

    The vital importance of maritime transport has already been recognised in the White Paper of the European Commission on European transport policy as well as in the Community guidelines on State aid to maritime…

  3. Project // 10.08.2006 – 31.05.2009

    Evaluation of the Experimentation Clause in § 6c SGB II (Social Security Code), Research Area 3: Impact and Efficiency Analyses

    In a far-ranging reform to German social legislation, unemployment and social assistance have been joined into a common framework in 2005. This has brought about major organisational changes. In most cases,…

  4. Project // 01.08.2006 – 31.07.2008

    Skills, Computer Use and Social Integration

    The project considers the social integration of low-skilled young people under the conditions of a knowledge-based economy. An essential factor of social integration in Germany is the transition from school to…

  5. Project // 01.08.2006 – 30.04.2008

    Community Innovation Survey 2006: Applying the 3rd Edition of the Oslo Manual (2005) to CIS - An Exploratory Study

    The aim of this project is to apply new concepts of innovation - notably marketing and organisational innovation - to the Community Innovation Surveys (CIS) methodology to test whether these new concepts are…

  6. Project // 01.08. – 31.12.2006

    Modern regulations in the labour market

    The core of the project consists in the development of strategies to regulate the labour market. These concepts are not aimed at a single regulation field, but they regard the system of regulations as a whole, and…

  7. Project // 01.08.2006 – 30.04.2007

    Development study LiMa-Benchmark

    The European Union´s economic policy objectives can be summarizes below the headings of "Lisbon" and "Maastricht". While the Lisbon objectives are related to the increase of potential growth in Europe, the…

  8. Project // 01.07.2006 – 31.07.2010

    Competition in the European Car Market

    The objective of this project is the investigation of automobile markets from a competition and regulatory point of view. Due to the relatively stable market structure with a few market entries and relationships…

  9. Project // 01.07.2006 – 31.12.2008

    Wage mobility in the low-wage labour market in Germany

    In this project, we examine the importance of individual and employer-specific determinants in escaping low earnings in Germany. The overall objective is to identify a possible segmentation of the labour market…

  10. Project // 01.07.2006 – 31.07.2009

    Merger Control Decisions in Network Industries

    This project takes the electricity market as an example to examine two core areas of empirical competition policy: the regulation of network based industries and the concentration of companies. Our approach to the…

  11. Project // 01.07.2006 – 31.12.2007

    Effects of ICT Diffusion on the Labour Market Situation of Women

    Over the last thirty years the participation of female employees in industrial countries has strongly increased whereas the wage difference between men and women has noticeably decreased. At the same time the…

  12. Project // 01.07.2006 – 30.11.2009

    Competition in Network Industries

    English project description is not available.