Equality of opportunity (EOp, or IOp for inequality of opportunity) is said to hold if individual positions in an outcome distribution are independent of individual circumstances (e.g. parents’…
Analysis of the demand for ultra-fast broadband. This stuty should consider demand perspectives from the point of view of technology and from the point of view of economics (willingness to pay and access…
Within this project, we provide scientific support for the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt), the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature…
In May 2013, the aid program „INVEST – Zuschuss für Wagniskapital“ was implemented by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi) with the aim to mobilize more private venture capital of private investors…
Eurostars is a multilateral support program for SMEs which is conducted by 34 EUREKA member states together with the European Commission. Eurostars ran from 2008 to 2013 and is continued under the name „Eurostars…
Corporate tax systems in Europe usually discriminate between debt and equity by treating interest payments as a deductible expense and equity returns as a reward for company's owners. This is called the…
In recent years, there has been a revival of concerns that automation and digitization might result in a jobless future. The debate has been fueled by studies for the US and Europe arguing that a substantial share…
The proposed research project aims at investigating market integration in European electricity markets with a focus on Switzerland. We identify current market integration empirically based on econometric models.…
The brief report updates the ZEW Microsimulation Model used in the overall evaluation of marriage- and family-related benefits and measures with regard to data and legal status. Furthermore distributional effects…
ZEW researchers provided research support to the independent advisory board of the German stability council. They assist the council organizationally and contentwise with the preparation of its biannual…
The aim of the project is to show and evaluate policy options for a regulatory framework for the digital economy. The project will deal with the digital economy in the strict sense, i.e. the provision of digital…
The digitalisation of production and business processes has been continuously accelerating over the years. Moreover, digital technologies increasingly foster the creation of new business models. It is widely…