ZEW Staff

Currently, the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research employs a staff of 190, of which 2/3 are scientists. The interdisciplinary approach of the ZEW is reflected in the collaboration of economists and graduates in business management, economic engineers, and IT specialists, as well as scientists from other fields, e.g. jurists and natural scientists.

Sarah Tiedemann
Language and Editing Officer

Tiedemann, Sarah

To the profile
Research Associate

Todtenhaupt, Maximilian

To the profile
Research Associate

Toivanen, Otto

To the profile
Research Associate

Toole, Andrew

To the profile
Ilona Tsanko
Junior Research Associate

Tsanko, Ilona

To the profile
Research Associate

Tukiainen, Janne

To the profile

Ufland, Renata

To the profile
Purchase and Organisation

Unger, Sebastian

To the profile
Sebastian Valet

Valet, Sebastian

To the profile
Research Associate

van den Berg, Gerard J.

To the profile
Research Associate

Van Kerm, Philippe

To the profile
Janin Villhauer

Villhauer, Janin

To the profile
Research Associate

Voget, Johannes

To the profile
Assistant to the Board

von Campenhausen, Kaja

To the profile

von Ditfurth, Jakob

To the profile
Research Associate

von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin

To the profile
Kathrine von Graevenitz

von Graevenitz, Kathrine

To the profile
Claudia von Schuttenbach
Managing Director

von Schuttenbach, Claudia

To the profile
Research Associate

von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig

To the profile
Lisa Vorbeck

Vorbeck, Lisa

To the profile