Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-077 // 2016

    Innovation, Creative Destruction, and Structural Change: Firm-Level Evidence from European Countries

    The shift of employment from lower to higher productive firms is an important driver for structural change and industry dynamics. We investigate this reallocation in terms of employment gains and losses from…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-076 // 2016

    Employment Effects of Innovations over the Business Cycle: Firm-Level Evidence from European Countries

    A growing literature investigates how firms’ innovation input reacts to changes in the business cycle. However, so far there is no evidence whether there is cyclicality in the effects of innovation on firm…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-075 // 2016

    Does Energy Policy Hurt International Competitiveness of Firms? A Comparative Study for Germany, Switzerland, and Austria

    This paper investigates the impact of energy policies on the export performance of firms. There has been a long policy debate on potentially negative impacts of cost-increasing energy policies on international…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-074 // 2016

    The Workforce Composition of Young Firms and Product Innovation - Complementarities in the Skills of Founders and Their Early Employees

    We investigate the extent to which complementarities between technical and business skills of founders and employees matter for the generation of market novelties by new ventures. Using data about German…

  5. Discussion und Working Paper // 2016

    Promoting Openness and Capitalizing on Europe’s Creative Potential – Literature Review and Data Collection

    Ein Ziel der Innovationsunion ist die Offenheit fördern und Kapital aus Europas Kreativpotenzial schlagen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, verfolgt die Innovationsunion fünf verschiedene Selbstverpflichtungen: -…

  6. Discussion und Working Paper // 2016

    Creating a Single Innovation Market – Literature Review and Data Collection

    Ein Ziel der Innovationsunion ist die Schaffung eines Binnenmarktes für Innovationen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, verfolgt die Innovationsunion fünf verschiedene Selbstverpflichtungen: - C14: Einführung des…