Die Unternehmen in Deutschland können auch bei nachlassender Konjunkturdynamik und dadurch geringerem Frachtaufkommen im nächsten halben Jahr nicht mit sinkenden…
Sensitivity analysis studies how the variation in the numerical output of a model can be quantitatively apportioned to different sources of variation in basic input parameters. Thus, it serves to examine the…
In the European Union (EU) and in Germany the transport sector is the only sector with increasing CO2 emissions (in the EU by about 32 % and in Germany by about 1 % since 1990). Especially in road freight and…
In the absence of an international agreement on climate policy, unilateral carbon abatement creates two problems: It tends to have a detrimental effect on domestic competitiveness, and it leads to an increase in…
This paper constitutes – to our best knowledge – the first econometric analysis on stock market effects of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Our results suggest that EU Emission Allowance (EUA) price…
Today, more than 70% of the world's total electricity production is supplied by power plants using conventional fossil fuels. Coal accounts for more than half of the fossil fuel combustion in electricity plants.…
Die Stärkung des Seeverkehrs ist eines der erklärten Ziele der Europäischen Union. Neben der Förderung einer wettbewerbsfähigen Seeverkehrswirtschaft wird dabei insbesondere eine höhere Sicherheit im Seeverkehr…