ZEW Discussion Papers


Mit diesen Beiträgen, die überwiegend in Englisch verfasst sind, beteiligen sich die Forscher/innen des ZEW an wissenschaftlichen Fachdebatten. Die Publikationen enthalten vorläufige Beiträge, die zur Veröffentlichung in Fachzeitschriften vorgesehen sind. Die Discussion Papers können ab 1.1.1998 als pdf-Datei abgerufen werden. Sie richten sich an nationale und internationale Zielgruppen.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-009 // 2019

    Different Counselors, Many Options: Career Guidance and Career Plans in Secondary Schools

    Career guidance assists students with the school-to-work transition. Based on a survey in secondary schools in Germany, we analyze career guidance activities and how these affect career plans. The take-up of…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-008 // 2019

    Cluster Externalities, Firm Capabilities, and the Recessionary Shock: How the Macro-to-Micro-Transition Shapes Firm Performance During Stable Times and Times of Crisis

    In this paper, we examine the macro-to-micro-transition of cluster externalities to firms and how it is affected by the macroeconomic instability caused by the recessionary shock of 2008/2009. Using data from…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-007 // 2019

    Externalities in Knowledge Production: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

    Do contributions to online content platforms induce a feedback loop of ever more user-generated content or will they discourage future contributions? To assess this, we use a randomized field experiment which…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-006 // 2019

    Do Companies Benefit from Public Research Organizations? The Impact of the Fraunhofer Society in Germany

    Among available policy levers to boost innovation, investment in applied research organisations has received little empirical attention. In this paper, we analyse the case of the Fraunhofer Society, the largest…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-005 // 2019

    Refugees Welcome? Understanding the Regional Heterogeneity of Anti-Foreigner Hate Crimes in Germany

    In this article, we examine anti-foreigner hate crime in the wake of the large influx of asylum seekers to Germany in 2014 and 2015. By exploiting the quasi-experimental assignment of asylum seekers to German…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-004 // 2019

    Do Voluntary Environmental Programs Reduce Emissions? EMAS in the German Manufacturing Sector

    Voluntary environmental management programs for firms have become an increasingly popular instrument of environmental policy. However, the literature’s conclusion on the effectiveness of such programs is…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-003 // 2019

    Forward Trading and Collusion in Supply Functions

    This paper studies the effect of forward contracts on the stability of collusion among firms, competing in supply functions on the spot market. A forward market can increase the range of discount factors which…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-002 // 2019

    The Effects of Natural Disasters and Weather Variations on International Trade: A Review of the Empirical Literature

    This review summarizes the empirical literature on the effects of natural disasters and weather variations on international trade flows. A first result is that the body of literature is actually not as small …

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 19-001 // 2019

    Predicting Innovative Firms Using Web Mining and Deep Learning

    Evidence-based STI (science, technology, and innovation) policy making requires accurate indicators of innovation in order to promote economic growth. However, traditional indicators from patents and…

Kontakt für Bestellungen

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Informations- und Wissensmanagement, Vertrieb E-Mail kerstin.heres@zew.de Telefon +49 (0)621 1235-130
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