Recent multilateral climate negotiations have underlined the importance of international cooperation and the need for support from developed to developing countries to address climate change. This raises the…
This paper integrates innovation input and output effects of R&D subsidies into a modified Crépon-Duguet-Mairesse (CDM) model. Our results largely confirm insights of the input additionality literature, i.e.…
In this paper we analyze the conditions under which firms decide to offshore innovation. We consider the role of internal technological capabilities and technological dynamism in the firm environment,…
This paper makes use of two field experiments to explore individual effort responses to gifts. We extend the literature by looking at nonfinancial gifts and gifts that combine financial and nonfinancial …
In 2016, the Eurozone is still coping with the consequences of two financial crises that revealed the shortcomings of an incomplete monetary union. The European economy suffered two severe recessions and a…
Die Entwicklung auf den Transportmärkten zeigt sowohl hinsichtlich der Mengen- als auch den Preiserwartungen in den kommenden sechs Monaten ein sehr eindeutiges Bild:…