This policy report studies the effects of a sudden stop of natural gas imports from Russia on the German economy. The analysis focuses on the supply-side effects that arise when a gas shortage affects production…
How does fiscal austerity affect redistributive policies? We document that during austerity episodes, countries tend to increase marginal income tax rates on top earners, but not on average earners. We then show…
The ECB is about to discontinue its net asset purchases. In December 2021, the ECB Council had already decided to end net purchases under the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) by the end of March…
We contribute to the literature on how program design affects program performance among vulnerable groups by studying the effects of varying the subsidy level and program procedures in an energy efficiency…
Routine-intensive occupations have been declining in many countries, but how does this affect individual workers’ careers if this decline is particularly severe in their local labor market? This paper uses…
This paper investigates the employment effects of innovation over the business cycle with a large data set of manufacturing firms from 26 European countries from 1998 to 2014. The paper reveals four important…
Die Erweiterung des Emissionshandels auf den Gebäude- und Transportsektor (ETS2) ist ein Kernelement des Fit-for-55-Pakets der Europäischen Kommission, das politisch hoch umstritten ist. Ziel des ETS2 ist, durch…
Der europäische Emissionshandel (EU ETS) ist ein Kernelement der EU-Klimapolitik. Doch die von der Europäischen Kommission vorgeschlagene Revision des EU ETS hat derzeit im Europäischen Parlament einen schweren…
Die Verbreitung neuer Technologien ist entscheidend für die Erzielung sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Erträge aus Innovationen. Die Verfolgung und Kartierung der Technologieverbreitung ist jedoch in der…