1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-050 // 2016

    Changing of the Guard: Structural Change and Corporate Science in the Semiconductor Industry

    This article documents a structural change in the production of science in the U.S. semiconductor industry over almost three decades. We observe a change in scientific productivity over time, where smaller firms…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-049 // 2016

    Who's Coming to the Rescue? Revenue-Sharing Slumps and Implicit Bailouts During the Great Recession

    This paper analyzes the distribution of discretionary transfers from higher tiers of government in the process of fiscal adjustment in local jurisdictions which were hit by a negative revenue shock in formula…

  3. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report // 2016

    Quartal 2 - 2016

    • Skepsis am Immobilienfinanzierungsmarkt nimmt wieder zu
    • Wendepunkt erreicht?
    • Logistik- und Einzelhandelsimmobilien verlieren besonders gegenüber dem Vorquartal
    • Aufhellung an den Refinanzierungsmärkten
    • Sonderfrage:…
  4. ZEW-Newsletter // 2016


    1. Aktuell
    2. Call for Papers
      • Achte ReCapNet-Konferenz zu Behavioural Real Estate
      • ZEW-Workshop zur Integration von Einwanderern
    3. Personalia
      • Gastwissenschaftler
    4. Presse
    5. Neue Publikationen
      • ZEWn…
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-048 // 2016

    Measuring Patent Quality and National Technological Capacity in Cross-Country Comparison

    China recently surpassed the USA as the greatest global source of patent applications. However, without internationally comparable measures of patent quality it remains questionable whether China's patent…