1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-01 // 1998

    The EMU Consolidation Game - or: Does 3.0 Really Mean 3.0?

    Within the economic profession, it is a widely held view that the fiscal criteria of the Maastricht treaty are arbitrary numbers without economic foundation. Much of this criticism seems to overlook an important…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-47 // 1998

    Growing into Work - Pseudo Panel Data Evidence on Labor Market Entrance in Germany

    While the potential merits of the German apprenticeship training system seem to be fairly well documented, relatively little is known about those youths who, at one point or another, do not follow the usual…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-35 // 1998

    Where to Patent? Theory and Evidence on International Patenting

    This paper builds on the repeatedly documented empirical observation that flows of international patent applications are closely related to international trade relationships. In the first part of this paper we…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-23 // 1998

    Der Einfluß der Umweltpolitik auf das Innovationsverhalten - eine ökonometrische Untersuchung

    Die Wirkungen umweltpolitischer Instrumente wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Innovationseffekte bislang überwiegend in einem eher linear-mechanistischen Ansatz auf der Grundlage der traditionellen neoklassischen…