Combinatorial auctions, which allow bidders to bid not only on individual items but also on packages of items and to express complementary and substitute relationships between items, have rarely been used for…
Um etwas über Start-ups oder Unternehmensgründungen zu erfahren, braucht die Wissenschaft Daten, die erhoben werden müssen. Dies geschieht in Form von Panels wie dem Gründungspanel, das jährlich in…
Ein Standardwerk in Arbeitsmarktökonomie, 16 Jahre Präsident des ZEW, 15 Jahre im Rat der Wirtschaftsweisen und vier Jahre sein Vorsitzender. Dazu unzählige Paper, Debattenbeiträge, Auszeichnungen. Prof. Dr. Dr.…
This paper explores the effect of own and peer attractiveness on various measures of academic performance. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health), we focus on high…
Does large-scale refugee immigration affect crime rates in receiving countries? We address this question based on the large and unexpected refugee inflow to Germany that peaked in 2015–2016. Arriving refugees…
The properties of emerging, digital, and general-purpose technologies make it hard to empirically capture adoption by firms and theoretically its determinants. This study builds on epidemic models of inter-firm…