Ob Equal Pay Day oder Weltfrauentag – der März steht im Zeichen des weiblichen Geschlechts. Unabhängig davon sind Frauen sowohl für Gesellschaft als auch Wirtschaft wichtig: Oftmals müssen sie einen…
Technology policy is the most widespread form of climate policy and is often preferred over seemingly efficient carbon pricing. We propose a new explanation for this observation: gains that predominantly accrue…
This study examines whether staged project management is beneficial or harmful for making product innovations. Using a unique firm survey for Japan, we find that firms that employed staged project management had…
The R&D policy instrument mix concept has become increasingly important for understanding how public R&D support drives firm-level R&D. To-date, empirical studies have conceptualised the instrument mix as a…
Start-up subsidies play an important role in supporting start-up innovation and performance. However, what characteristics help and hinder start-ups to seek start-up subsidies remains unclear. We study whether…
The design of corporate income tax systems and thus the taxation of (cross-border) dividends are encompassed within the sovereignty of the Member States of the European Union (EU). However, these rules are…
Es gibt kaum ein Thema in der Wirtschaftspolitik, das weltweit so viele Kommissionen, Ausschüsse und ad-hoc Gremien beschäftigt hat, wie die Frage nach der „richtigen“ Wettbewerbspolitik in der digitalen Welt.…
Process innovation is an important part of the innovation activities of firms and supposed to significantly contribute to the returns from innovation. Analysing this link is complicated, however, due to a lack…