Die Beratungs- und Werbebranche gehörte im Jahr 2015 mit einer Innovationsintensität von 1,2 % zu den weniger innovativen Branchen in Deutschland. Die Innovationsausgaben…
Insgesamt zeigen die Innovationstrends in der Branche Unternehmensdienste nach unten, was sich insbesondere an der rückläufigen Innovationsbeteiligung zeigt. So nahm die…
This paper estimates the incidence of corporate taxes on wages using a 20-year panel of German municipalities. Administrative linked employer-employee data allows estimating heterogeneous worker and firrm…
How can retirement savings be increased? We explore a unique policy change in the context of the German pension system to study this question. As of 2004, the German pension authority started to send out annual…
Missing values are a major problem in all econometric applications based on survey data. A standard approach assumes data are missing-at-random and uses imputation methods, or even listwise deletion. This…
We analyze different alternatives how a common unemployment insurance system for the euro area (EA) could be designed and assess their effectiveness to act as an insurance device in the presence of asymmetric…