We provide a comprehensive overview of the literature on the measurement of democracy and present an extensive update of the Machine Learning indicator of Gründler and Krieger (2016, European Journal of…
International student exchange has become an important part of university-level studies and the EU plans to increase it significantly. We analyze how international student exchange affects students’ academic…
We test whether and, if so, how incentives to promote pro-social behavior affect the extent to which it spills over to subsequent charitable giving. To do so, we conduct a two-period artefactual field experiment…
This study analyzes the impact of COVID-19 deniers on the spread of COVID-19 in Germany. In a first step, we establish a link between regional proxies of COVID-19 deniers and infection rates. We then…
Als die Corona-Warn-App auf den Markt kam, wurde sie als eines der wichtigsten Instrumente zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie betrachtet. Diese Hoffnungen haben sich bisher kaum erfüllt. Die Nutzerzahl der App ist…
I analyze whether anti-tax loss trafficking rules affect the funding of start-ups in Europe. I base my empirical analysis on a panel of VC-funded companies in the EU28 Member States from 1999 to 2014. These…
This article studies the effects of consumer information on the intensity of competition. In a two dimensional duopoly model of horizontal product differentiation, firms use consumer information to price…
Dieses Hintergrundpapier zum 8. Forum Klimaökonomie basiert auf aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten aus dem BMBF-Förderschwerpunkts „Ökonomie des Klimawandels“. Die Projekte befassen sich mit unterschiedlichen…