1. Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels in Deutschland: Eine Längsschnittbefragung privater Haushalte

    Dieser Beitrag präsentiert ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Erhebung unter mehr als 6 000 privaten Haus-halten aus dem Frühjahr 2020 zur Relevanz des Klimawandels und seiner möglichen Auswirkungen und zieht…

  2. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2021

    Predicting Innovative Firms using Web Mining and Deep Learning

    Eine evidenzbasierte STI-Politik (Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation) erfordert genaue Indikatoren für Innovationen, um das Wirtschaftswachstum zu fördern. Traditionellen Indikatoren aus Patenten und…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-034 // 2021

    Grundlagen sozial-ökologischer Transformationen: Gesellschaftsvertrag, Global Governance und die Bedeutung der Zeit

    A decade ago, the main report of the German Advisory Council to the Federal Government on Global Environmental Change (WBGU) was published. It was an attempt to take stock in 2011. It provided impetus and…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-033 // 2021

    What Are the Priorities of Bureaucrats? Evidence From Conjoint Experiments With Procurement Officials

    A well-functioning bureaucracy is a precondition for efficient public goods provision. However, bureaucratic decision-making is still largely seen as a black box. We provide novel insights into the preferences…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-032 // 2021

    Regional Redistribution of Mineral Resource Wealth in Africa

    We study the economic implications of mineral resource activity for non-mining regions at the grid-level across the African continent. We find that capital cities benefit from mineral resource activity anywhere…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-031 // 2021

    Favoritism and Firms: Micro Evidence and Macro Implications

    We study the economic implications of regional favoritism, a form of distributive politics that redistributes resources spatially within countries. We use a large sample of enterprise surveys spanning…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-030 // 2021

    Regional Favoritism and Human Capital Accumulation in Africa

    We study the long-run implications of regional and ethnic favoritism in Africa. Combining geocoded individual-level survey data from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) with data on national leaders’…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 21-029 // 2021

    Corona and the Stability of Personal Traits and Preferences: Evidence From Germany

    Based on panel data on around 5,500 German household heads originating from four years, this paper analyzes whether the experience of financial losses due to the Corona pandemic has affected three kinds of…