This study analyses whether the Swedish school choice reform, enacted in 1992, had different effects on students from different socio-economic backgrounds. We use detailed geographical data on students' and…
There is still considerable dispute about the magnitude of labor supply elasticities. While differences in micro and macro estimates are recently attributed to frictions and adjustment costs, we show that…
Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat die übergeordnete Zielsetzung, Maßnahmenvorschläge im Bereich der Finanzierungs- und Anreizstrukturen für die Umsetzung der nationalen Anpassungsstrategie der Bundesregierung zu…
We consider the interaction between an incumbent firm and a potential entrant, and examine how this interaction is affected by demand fluctuations. Our model gives rise to procyclical entry, prices, and…