1. Discussion und Working Paper // 2017

    Strategic inattention in product search

  2. Monographie // 2017

    China-Kompetenz für Wissenschaftler

    Dieses essential vermittelt landeskundliches und interkulturelles Wissen über China, das für eine erfolgreiche wissenschaftliche Kooperation unverzichtbar ist. Barbara Hey und Manuel Lauer erläutern die…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2017

    Combining Price and Quantity Controls Under Partitioned Environmental Regulation

    This paper analyzes hybrid emissions trading systems (ETSs)under partitioned environmental regulation when firms' abatement costs and future emissions are uncertain. We show that hybrid policies that…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2017

    Knowledge Diffusion, Endogenous Growth, and the Costs of Global Climate Policy

    This paper examines the effects of knowledge diffusion on growth and the costs of climate policy. We develop a general equilibrium model with endogenous growth which represents knowledge diffusion between…