Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Bedeutung von digitalen Plattformen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft entwickeln die Autoren einen integrierten Ansatz eines Ordnungsrahmens, wobei sie insbesondere Bausteine…
In recent years, there has been a revival of concerns that automation and digitalisation might after all result in a jobless future. The debate has been fuelled by studies for the US and Europe arguing that a…
We study the fiscal consequences of municipal mergers by making use of a largescale merger reform in the German federal state of Brandenburg. This reform, which was implemented from 2001 to 2003, led to a…
Das ZEW hat sich im Geschäftsjahr 2015 in einem anspruchsvollen Wettbewerbsumfeld erneut gut behauptet. Dies belegen sowohl der mit 46 Prozent hohe Drittmittelanteil am Gesamtbudget des Hauses als auch die mehr…
This paper reports the results from a large-scale laboratory experiment investigating the impact of tournament incentives and wage gifts on creativity. We find that tournaments substantially increase creative…
We investigate the effect of Europe's largest multilateral subsidy program for R&D-performing, small and medium-sized enterprises on firm growth. The program was organized under a specific budget allocation…