1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-070 // 2016

    Rockets and Feathers: Asymmetric Pricing and Consumer Search – Evidence from Electricity Retailing

    In many markets prices react stronger to rising than to falling costs. This asymmetric cost pass-through is still not fully understood, but recent theories suggest that asymmetric adjustments of consumers’…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-069 // 2016

    Suchmaschinen unter der Lupe: Informationsherrschaft und ihre Schranken

    Suchmaschinen ermöglichen Nutzern einen schnellen Zugang zu Informationen, die sie konkret suchen oder die sie durch die Suchmaschine entdecken. Sie haben sich zu wichtigen Informationsintermediären entwickelt.…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-068 // 2016

    Beyond Equal Rights: Equality of Opportunity in Political Participation

    It is well understood that political participation is stratified by socio-economic characteristics. Yet it is an open question how this finding bears on the normative evaluation of the democratic process. In…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2016

    The Effects of Double Tax Treaties for Developing Countries. A Case Study of Austria’s Double Tax Treaty Network

    Inwieweit Entwicklungsländer von Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen (DBA) profitieren, wird derzeit stark diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersuchen wir in diesem Papier die österreichische DBA-Politik. Wir finden,…

  5. ZEW policy brief Nr. 16-07 // 2016

    Chances and Risks of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme

    The Eurozone debt crisis has revived the debate about deeper fiscal integration in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Some observers argue that fiscal risk sharing is necessary to make the Eurozone…