1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-37 // 1999

    Institutional Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Investment Criteria of Western Portfolio Managers

    This study provides detailed evidence on the recent transitionstate of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. It draws on data froma survey conducted among portfolio managers ofWestern investment funds…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-36 // 1999

    Decomposing General Equilibrium Effects of Policy Intervention in Multi-Regional Trade Models-Method and Sample Application

    Policy interventions in large open economies do not only affect the allocation of domestic resources but change international market prices. The change in international prices implies an indirect secondary…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-32 // 1999

    Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production - Evidence from a German Study Using Case Studies and Surveys

    The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end-of-pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-22 // 1999

    Determinanten regionaler Unterschiede in der Gründungshäufigkeit wissensintensiver Dienstleister

    The paper deals with the question which determinants can explain regional differences in the number of start-ups in Austrian and Western German districts when observing the business related service sector. We…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-20 // 1999

    Die Kosten des Klimaschutzes. Eine Interpretationshilfe für die mit quantitativen Wirtschaftsmodellen ermittelten Kostenschätzungen

    Die Klimaschutzdiskussion wird von der Frage dominiert, welche gesamtwirtschaftlichen Kosten mit der Umgestaltung des Energiesystems zu klimaverträglichen Strukturen verbunden sind. Höhe und Verteilung dieser…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-17 // 1999

    250 Analysten, 1 Portfolio? - Eine ökonometrische Analyse von Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung eines Vermögensportfolios zur Altersvorsorge

    This study analyzes portfolio recommendations of financial experts, finding significant differences in portfoliostructure depending on the experts'institutional background. The recommendations stem from a survey…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-14 // 1999

    Workers Skill Level and Information Technology - Evidence from German Service Firms

    This paper analyses the link between human capital and information technology (IT) in the service production process. The analysis is based on 1994 cross-sectional data for 1929 German firms drawn from the first…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-13 // 1999

    C&C - Contraction and Convergence of Carbon Emissions: The Economic Implications of Permit Trading

    In the context of climate protection policy it has been suggested that global CO2 emissions should be reduced significantly (contraction) and that per capita emissions should gradually be equalized across…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 99-11 // 1999

    Energy Market Projections and Differentiated Carbon Abatement in the European Union

    We analyze the economic effects of the differentiated targets for carbon abatement in six European Union member states. Our recursively-dynamic model includes a detailed representation of trade and energy…

  10. ZEW-Wirtschaftsanalysen Bd. 42 // 1999

    Beschäftigungseffekte von Lohnsubventionen im Niedriglohnbereich

    Kann durch Lohnsubventionen an Arbeitgeber oder lohnbezogene Transfers an Arbeitnehmer die Beschäftigung erhöht werden? Aussagekräftige empirische Untersuchungen zur Beantwortung dieser Frage liegen für…