1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-004 // 2015

    How Do Drug Prices Respond to a Change from External to Internal Reference Pricing? Evidence from a Danish Regulatory Reform

    We study the effects of a change in the way patient reimbursements are calculated on the prices of pharmaceuticals using quasi-experimental data for Denmark which switched from external (where reimbursements are…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-003 // 2015

    The Impact of Alternative Public Policies on the Deployment of New Communications Infrastructure – A Survey

    Our survey reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on all alternative policies to promote the deployment of new fiber-based communications infrastructure. Since such investment is expected to induce…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-002 // 2015

    Candidate Screening for the Recruitment of Critical Research and Development Workers – A Report and Preliminary Results with Evidence from Experimental Data from German High-Tech Firms

    The report focuses on résumé-based screening strategies for the recruitment of highly qualified research and development (R&D) workers (critical R&D workers) in high-tech firms. We investigate which kinds of…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-001 // 2015

    Individual Determinants of Inventor Productivity: Report and Preliminary Results with Evidence from Linked Human Capital and Patent Data

    This report offers new insights into the drivers of inventor productivity at the individual level. It includes well-known drivers, such as inventor age and education, and controls for inventor team size, and…

  5. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2015

    Does the use of tax revenue matter for tax compliance behavior?

    This paper explores whether the usage of tax revenues affects tax compliance behavior. I design a laboratory compliance experiment in which subjects make tax reporting decisions and are randomly assigned to…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2015

    Januar 2015

    • Konjunkturerwartungen legen deutlich zu
    • EZB: Inflationserwartungen gehen zurück
    • USA: Lageeinschätzung verbessert sich weiter
    • Japan: Deutlicher Rücksetzer bei der Lageeinschätzung
    • Großbritannien:…
  7. Finanzmarktreport Schweiz // 2015

    Januar 2015

    • Inflationsprognosen sinken mit dem Ölpreis
    • Ölpreisentwicklung lässt Inflationserwartungen fallen
    • Anstieg kurzfristiger Zinsen in den USA erwartet
    • Dollaraufwertung erwartet
    • Positive Beurteilung der Aktienmärkte
    • Sonder…