CIDER Workshop Autumn 2017


The Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences are jointly organising the CIDER Workshop Autumn 2017 within the framework of CIDER (College for Interdisciplinary Education Research). The workshop will take place from 18 to 20 September 2017 at ZEW in Mannheim. Around 30 researchers from Germany and Europe, members of the Steering Committee from CIDER as well as experts from various fields are expected to attend the event.
Seven different Leibniz institutes, including ZEW, are part of the CIDER - College for Interdisciplinary Education Research. The College aims to help researchers implement and develop their own projects in the field of education research. First and foremost, the goal of CIDER is to support up-and-coming research fellows in the beginning of the post-doctoral programme in order to strengthen their independence, thereby contributing to the establishment of interdisciplinary education research from the life course perspective.





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