Monitoring Report - Cultural and Creative Industries Still on a Growth Course
ResearchThe German cultural and creative industries continue to expand. In 2013, total sales of the sector climbed to EUR 145 billion. The number of regular employees paying into the social insurance system increased by 3.3 per cent. These are the findings of the current monitoring report on the cultural and creative industries by the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe. The monitoring of selected key figures in the cultural and creative industries was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The key figures of the sector have once again improved compared to the previous year. The total number of companies in the sector has grown by 1.18 per cent with sales rising by 1.36 per cent and gross value added increasing by 2.55 per cent. Nationwide, about 249,000 companies are operating in the cultural and creative industries. The sector employs a total of approximately 1.59 million people, i.e. regular employees, self-employed persons and freelancers, as well as employees in marginal employment. It consists of eleven sub-sectors: music industry, book market and art market, film industry and broadcasting, performing arts, design industry, architecture market, press market and advertising industry, and the software/games industry.
For more information please contact
Prof. Dr. Irene Bertschek, Phone +49/621 1235-178,