School Students Gain Insights into Theory and Practice at ZEW

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The group of students from the Eschbach-Gymnasium during their project presentation at ZEW

On 17 July 2018, high school students from the Eschbach-Gymnasium in Stuttgart-Freiberg visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, to learn more about – and become actively involved in shaping – the linkages between economy theory and practical applications. The student visit did not only give the economics course of the 11th grade a chance to discuss economic issues with ZEW researchers; experiments and a simulation game also allowed them to gain fascinating, practical insights into the work conducted at the institute.

Dr. Martin Kesternich, deputy head of the ZEW Research Department “Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management” welcomed the group of students and gave an overview of the research work as well as the various areas of research conducted at ZEW, placing particular focus on the relationship between the economy and the environment. He explained how markets can act as allocation mechanisms and in which ways market participants’ actions can affect the welfare of uninvolved third parties. The theoretical lectures held by ZEW economists were combined with practical experiments in which the students could participate.

The eleven students were particularly interested in a project in which they took on the role of economic policy advisors. They developed specific recommendations for an efficient transportation strategy for the city of Stuttgart, and later had to answer critical questions about their strategy. Finally, the student visit also featured a presentation on vocational training and other career opportunities at ZEW. This allowed the students to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities offered by economic research institutes. The presentations held by the ZEW economists were a welcome change to the school-day routine – both for the students and the teachers.


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Felix Kretz
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