ZEW at AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting 2020

Dates and News

ZEW economists to travel to San Diego for the Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations

ZEW scientists visiting San Diego

Scientists from ZEW Mannheim will once again be attending the ASSA Annual Meeting held in the United States in 2020. Taking place from 3 to 5 January in San Diego, the 2020 edition of the event is set to welcome over 13,000 participants. This makes the ASSA Annual Meeting the most important conference in the world for economists. The conference is jointly organised by the American Economic Association (AEA) and the Allied Social Science Association (ASSA).

ZEW researchers will present and discuss latest research findings during various sessions at the three-day conference, among which Martin Kesternich, deputy head of the ZEW Research Department “Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management”, Dominik Rehse, head of the ZEW Junior Research Group “Digital Market Design”, and Carolin Schmidt from the Research Department “International Finance and Financial Management”.

The ASSA Annual Meeting is organised by the American Economic Association (AEA) and takes places in January of each year. The event provides ample opportunity for both renowned professors, including several Nobel laureates, and young researchers to present their research findings. For up-and-coming researchers, the conference can be an important stepping stone for their future academic careers in some of the most prestigious universities and research institutions.


Daniela Heimberger
Head “International Co-operation and Public Relations”
Dr. Daniela Heimberger
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