Effects of the Public Financing of Science and Research in Baden-Württemberg on the Federal State’s Economic Development
Effects of the Public Financing of Science and Research in Baden-Württemberg on the Federal State’s Economic Development
The effects of the activities of the publicly financed scientific sector are complex. On the one hand there are immediately effective demand effects, which arise out of the direct demand by scientific institutions themselves as well as that by their employees or their students. Such effects are rather short-term effects and of different regional spreading. On the other hand there are very long-term impacting effects on the supply side. Those effects result from the consequences of scientific activities and have to be considered to be even more important than the demand effects. For example these effects contain the qualification and the academic education of young people. Moreover they contain the development of new findings in research which contribute to the solution of major social or economic problems.In this project the effects of scientific institutions on important areas which are fundamentally influenced by the publicly financed scientific system will be analysed. In detail, these are
- the effects which emanate from scientific institutions on economic growth and regional development
- the contribution universities provide for the qualification and academic education of the population
- the impulses which emanate from the scientific system on the technological development and the diffusion of technology in the economy, and finally
- the effects emerging from spinoffs from scientific institutions on the population of companies.
These topics cover an important part of the fields affected by the impacts of the scientific system. Thus it can be acted on the assumption that essential impacts, which emanate from publicly financed scientific institutions to the private economy will be considered.