Financial shocks in the corona crisis: burdens and demands, coping strategies and -resources, and social policy measures
Financial shocks in the corona crisis: burdens and demands, coping strategies and -resources, and social policy measures
The corona pandemic and subsequent measures led to financial difficulties for people who were particularly affected by the economic consequences of the crisis, as well as for households that were already living in precarious financial circumstances before the corona crisis. Even people who are not directly affected can experience financial worries and fears. The interdisciplinary project in cooperation with Prof. Carmela Aprea (Business Education, University of Mannheim), Prof. Klaus Lieb and Dr. Donya Gilan (Psychology and Resilience Research, LIR Mainz) therefore focuses on the question of how people in Germany deal with the financial shocks resulting from the Corona crisis against in a setting of high uncertainty and complexity. While there is first evidence on the economic impact and the general psychological and social consequences of the pandemic, there is little evidence to date on the medium to long-term consequences of the financial difficulties, worries and fears in the corona crisis. On the basis of two complementary empirical methods (survey and diary studies), this project provides insights into the economic and psychological factors of corona-related financial burdens and the coping strategies they induce. In particular, the research will focus on the financial burdens and stress in the crisis, the strategies and resources to cope with them, and the development of effective and sustainable social and educational policy measures to cushion the financial burdens and promote coping strategies and resources.