Quarterly business survey among service providers of the information society

Quarterly business survey among service providers of the information society

Period: 01.01.2002 – 31.12.2011

In a combined effort with the business information agency Creditreform, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) conducted a quarterly survey among service providers for the information society during 2002 and 2011. Regularly, close to 1.000 companies reported the development of their enterprises and outlined their expectations for the following quarter. The survey focused exclusively on ICT intensive service industries, given that information and communication technologies are predominantly used in the service sector, where they form a regular and essential part of the daily routine. Alongside questions addressing the expected economic development of the service providers for the information society, the survey further requested information on investments in ICT and the latter’s diffusion. Moreover, the ZEW inquired about background information, such as the number of employees and their respective qualifications, apprenticeship and additional in-service training possibilities, as well as the innovativeness of the firm. Changes in the industrial classification system required a novel design of the survey. The publications regarding survey of the service providers for the information society can be accessed through the archive. Information on the subsequent project can be found under economic survey of the information industry.

Project members

Jörg Ohnemus

Jörg Ohnemus

Project Coordinator

To the profile
Cooperation partner

Selected Publications

Does Social Software Support Service Innovation?

Meyer, Jenny (2010), Does Social Software Support Service Innovation?, International Journal of the Economics of Business Vol 17, No. 3 , 289-311

Managerial Ownership and Company Performance in German Small and Medium-Sized Private Enterprises

Müller, Elisabeth and Alexandra Spitz-Oener (2006), Managerial Ownership and Company Performance in German Small and Medium-Sized Private Enterprises, German Economic Review 7(2) , 233-247

Collective Wage Agreements and Firms' Employment Policies

Kaiser, Ulrich and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2001), Collective Wage Agreements and Firms' Employment Policies, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 10 (3) , 319-341

Die Wirkung wirtschaftspolitischer Ereignisse auf Erwartungen über den Starttermin der Europäischen Währungsunion

Kaiser, Ulrich (1998), Die Wirkung wirtschaftspolitischer Ereignisse auf Erwartungen über den Starttermin der Europäischen Währungsunion, ifo Studien 2/1998 , 103-120
