New ZEW Online Taxation Platform
ResearchAs a new element of its homepage the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, Germany, has set up a comprehensive taxation platform at:
The taxation platform compiles press releases, studies, project reports, and publications resulting from projects and analyses on taxation done at the ZEW. The new ZEW taxation platform also provides information about the European Tax Analyzer, a computer simulation tool developed in close co-operation with the University of Mannheim which can be applied to measure and analyse national and international tax company taxation.
The current version of the European Tax Analyzer covers the tax systems of most EU member states as well as of Switzerland and the United States. Additionally, the website presents analytical instruments such as a simulation model for the measurement of effective tax burdens on highly qualified employees developed by the ZEW, or the simulation tool modeling the analysis of investments according to their fiscal attractiveness.