Capital Control, Debt Financing and Innovative Activity

ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-75 // 2004
ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-75 // 2004

Capital Control, Debt Financing and Innovative Activity

The present paper first discusses theoretically the different incentives of manager- versus owner-controlled firms for investment into innovative activity. In addition, the role of debt financing is analyzed. Subsequently the results from an empirical study on the determinants of innovative activity measured by patent applications are presented. A sample of German firms covering 2,793 observations is used, and it turns out that companies with widely held capital stock are more active in innovation, i.e. weakly controlled managers show a higher innovation propensity. However, the higher the leverage the more disciplined the managers are.

Czarnitzki, Dirk und Kornelius Kraft (2004), Capital Control, Debt Financing and Innovative Activity, ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-75, Mannheim, erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Autoren/-innen Dirk Czarnitzki // Kornelius Kraft