Which firms buy licenses? Market positions and license expenditures

Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2010
Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2010

Which firms buy licenses? Market positions and license expenditures

This paper presents the empirical results of a comparison of technology licensing expenditures of German companies in order to test implications of the Gilbert and Newbery (1982) model. Aside from standard control variables, the motives for innovation expenditures are also taken into account. We differentiate between firms intending to secure their present position in the market (incumbents) and those intending to enter a new market (challengers). In line with the prediction of the Gilbert and Newbery model, we find that incumbents show higher expenditures for technology licenses than potential entrants.

Czarnitzki, Dirk und Kornelius Kraft (2010), Which firms buy licenses? Market positions and license expenditures, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 112 (3) , 471-488

Autoren/-innen Dirk Czarnitzki // Kornelius Kraft