Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2019

External financing constraints and firm innovation

We investigate the effect of individual banks affected by the recent financial crisis of 2008/2009 on the innovation activities of their business customers. Firms associated with a bank that relies strongly on the interbank market are more likely to be exposed to a credit supply shock during the financial crisis and therefore face external financing constraints. Exploiting both the extensive and the intensive margin, our difference-in-differences results imply that those firms which have a business relation to a bank with higher interbank market reliance reduce their innovation activities during the financial crisis to a higher degree than other firms. Tests for additional expenditures reveal that marketing expenditures show a lower or even no sensitivity to bank financing during the financial crisis.

Giebel, Marek und Kornelius Kraft (2019), External financing constraints and firm innovation, The Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 67 , 91-126

Autoren/-innen Marek Giebel // Kornelius Kraft