12th MaCCI Law & Economics Conference on Media Funding
ConferenceThe Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) is a research association of ZEW and the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Mannheim. MaCCI strengthens the exchange between researchers of law and economics and, thus, gives impetus in terms of competition policy, regulation, and innovation. It is our ambition to stimulate and disseminate research in the field of innovation policy, competition, market design, and regulation.
The MaCCI Law & Economics Conference is organized for the 12th time since the inaugural edition in 2011. The conference provides an international platform for exchange and discussion between academic researchers and practitioners in public authorities, legal counsel, and economic consultancies.
The two-day conference will be organized in two sessions (see the programme), each consisting of Economic Insights, Keynote, and Panel Discussion (Panel I: Digital Challenges for Media Funding, Panel II: Media Funding and Media Plurality). Keynote speeches will be held by Julia Cagé (Sciences Po Paris) and Eva Wagner (University of Augsburg).
Eva Wagner // University of Augsburg