ZEW/ProgTrans Survey Among Transport Market Experts - Largely Stable Demand and Slightly Rising Prices Expected

ZEW/Prognos Survey

Prolonged uncertainty concerning the further economic development in Western Europa and Asia is casting a cloud over the sentiment in the transport market sector. Against this backdrop, transport volumes are likely to decline, while slightly higher prices are expected within the next six months for this sector. These are the findings of the ProgTrans/ZEW TransportmarktBarometer (Transport Market Barometer) in the second quarter of 2013. In this survey, ProgTrans AG, Basel, and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim interview some 250 top executives from the transport and loading industry on a quarterly basis about their assessment regarding the development of transport markets and prices on a six-month horizon.

Despite the general trend outlined above for the whole transport sector, there are rather diverse expectations among the surveyed experts concerning individual transport branches. Expectations for logistics services and intercontinental ocean shipping are the most optimistic with regard to transport volumes. For road freight, intermodal transport and international air freight a rather stable development of demand is estimated in the coming six months. In the current survey, the lowest transport volume is expected for rail cargo and domestic shipping.

According to the surveyed experts, transport prices for road freight, rail cargo and intermodal transport are expected to remain unchanged or rise slightly in the next six months. Rather stable prices are estimated for domestic shipping, whereas logisticsservices and intercontinental air and sea freight are expected to experience a comparatively significant rise in transport prices.

For further information please contact

Dr. Claudia Hermeling (ZEW), Phone +49 621/1235-216, E-mail hermeling@zew.de

Dr. Stefan Rommerskirchen (progtrans), Phone +41 61/56035-10, E-mail stefan.rommerskirchen@progtrans.com