Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 03.03.2006

    MittelstandsMonitor 2006: Economic Upswing Accompanied by Sustained Pressure

    Since summer 2005 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have increasingly benefitted from economic recovery and thus ended the past year in good spirits as in the boom year of 2000. 2006 also promises to be…
  2. Research // 02.03.2006

    FAZIT Company Survey in Baden-Württemberg – Outsourcing of IT Services Increases with Company Size

    In Baden Württemberg, more than 41 per cent of the companies in the IT and media sector and selected user branches of information and media technologies partially or entirely outsource IT services to external…
  3. Research // 28.02.2006

    Innovation in Germany - 100 Billion Euros for Innovation: Service Providers Dim, Manufacturing Sector Bright

    The innovation expenditures of the German economy in the year 2004 have risen by two percent to 100 billion Euros. For 2005 and 2006 the firms plan further increases to their budgets of one (2005), respectively…
  4. Comment // 27.02.2006

    Statement from ZEW President Wolfgang Franz - Introduction of Statutory Minimum Wages would Cost Jobs

    Germany is once again discussing the implementation of statutory minimum wages. According to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, President of the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), their…
  5. Research // 20.02.2006

    ZEW Energy Market Barometer – National Champions Unnecessary

    Politicians tend to favour the model of so-called 'national champions' to ensure the international competitiveness of German enterprises. With regard to the energy sector, this should be seen in the light of…
  6. Research // 14.02.2006

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Stabilization at a High Level

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany dropped slightly by -1.2 points in February. Compared with +71.0 points in January, the indicator's current level of 69.8 points is far above its historical…
  7. Research // 13.02.2006

    Reform of Income and Company Taxation Through Dual Income Tax

    Expert's report by the German Council of Economic Experts, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
  8. Research // 10.02.2006

    ZEW Energy Market Barometer – Experts Unperturbed by the Dependency on Russian Oil

    Multiple concerns have recently been raised about how the European Union's energy supply is subject to the political mood in Russia due to import dependency. According to most experts interviewed for the ZEW…
  9. Research // 09.02.2006

    ZEW Energy Market Barometer – Experts Forecast Significant Increase in Gas Prices

    Energy experts assume that natural gas will become considerably more expensive over the next six months, whereas coal and crude oil prices are expected to remain largely unchanged in this period of time. The…
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