Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 17.01.2013

    The Separation of Retail and Investment Banking Makes Only a Small Contribution to Reducing Systemic Risk

    The activities of the investment banking sector are frequently criticised as one of the reasons of the recent global financial crisis. The current debate on restructuring the European banking sector is thus…
  2. Research // 08.01.2013

    The Personal Attributes of Finance Ministers Affect the Development of Public Debt

    Whether or not a country’s national budget is placed on a firm footing also depends on the finance minister who is responsible for it. This is the result of a study conducted by the Centre for European Economic…
  3. Research // 18.12.2012

    Kick-off for ZEW Research Data Centre

    As of now, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is providing research data for external scientific use in the new ZEW Research Data Centre (ZEW-FDZ). Scientists from universities and other research…
  4. M&A Index // 18.12.2012

    ZEW-ZEPHYR M&A-Index: Downward Trend of Worldwide M&A Activities Continues in 2012 – Cautious Prospects for the Coming Year

    Worldwide M&A activities were regressive again in 2012. The moving average of the ZEW-ZEPHYR M&A-Index, which reflects the mergers and acquisitions concluded worldwide, continued its downward trend and clearly…
  5. ZEW/Prognos Survey // 13.12.2012

    ProgTrans/ZEW Transportmarktbarometer(Transport Market Barometer)- Increasing Prices Despite Lower Transport Volumes Expected

    The assessment of the economic situation in Germany remains pessimistic and affects transport markets. Stagnating or even decreasing transport volumes are hence expected in the coming six months. Prices for…