Latest Press Releases

  1. Firm Foundations // 21.06.2006

    Number of High-Tech Start-Ups in Germany Decreasing

    Over the past year, the number of newly founded firms in the German high-tech sector has decreased. Compared to the previous year, it fell 16 per cent and thus reached a new low point. These are the major…
  2. Research // 20.06.2006

    Emissions Trading in Europe – Negative Impact on Companies Considerably Weaker than Expected – Most Appropriate Instrument to Achieve Kyoto Targets

    The European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) initiated in 2005 does not entail any significant deterioration of the competitive situation of those companies obliged to participate. Furthermore, the number of…
  3. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 19.06.2006

    New Economic Survey by the Centre for European Economic Research in Cooperation with Credit Suisse - The results of the First Survey Indicate a Robust Economic Situation in Switzerland

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim, in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS), has for the first time carried out a financial market test, a survey among financial market experts, for…
  4. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 13.06.2006

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Downward Movement Continues

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany fell by -12.2 points in June. Compared with +50.0 points in May, the indicator's current level of +37.8 points is only slightly above its historical average…
  5. Research // 06.06.2006

    Placement Vouchers Foster Reintegration of Unemployed People

    A number of unemployed succeeded in finding a job thanks to placement vouchers. ZEW estimations suggest that 5 out of 100 voucher recipients between July 2003 and June 2004 found a job as a result of the…
  6. ZEW/Prognos Survey // 01.06.2006

    ProgTrans/ZEW Transportmarktbarometer (Transport Market Barometer) – Slightly Rising Prices and Increasing Transport Volumes

    In view of the increasing optimism about the economic development, the transport industry assumes that transport volumes will grow in the coming six months. At the same time, they reckon that the strong oil…
  7. Dates and News // 22.05.2006

    Redesign of ZEW Website Adopts Accessibility Standards

    Starting today, the website of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, features a new and modern design. It was developed using the future-compliant XHTML and CSS web standards.
  8. Firm Foundations // 18.05.2006

    Technology and Knowledge-Intensive Start-Ups in Germany: Number of New Businesses Increasing - No Turnaround in Advanced Technology Sector

    In 2004, the number of start-ups in the technology and knowledge-intensive branches in Germany grew by five per cent compared to the previous year.