Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 10.02.2003

    MittelstandsMonitor - Publication of Annual Survey Regarding Business Activities and Structure of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

    More than 99 % of businesses in Germany are considered to be small or medium-sized. These diverse enterprises ensure economic stability, facilitate structural change and promote innovation, thus making a…
  2. Research // 06.02.2003

    German Tax Benefits Reduction Act: Taxation Plans Threaten Investments

    The changes to corporation tax, proposed by the German government in the Tax Benefits Reduction Act (Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz), will result in increased tax burdens being placed on the companies…
  3. Research // 04.02.2003

    Internet Use in Financial Lending: Potential Cost-sinking Measures Under-exploited

    A greater use of the internet in the lending process allows to considerably cut processing times and costs. It is therefore absolutely essential for banks wishing to remain competitive in the tough business of…
  4. Research // 23.01.2003

    Corporate Taxation in Germany: High-Tax Country or Tax Haven?

    Referring to the fee and tax rates which the OECD published last year, the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) claims, that in comparison to the international average, the German tax burden is low.…
  5. Research // 21.01.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for January: A Ray of Hope

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany increases in January for the first time in seven months. It now stands at +14.0 points, which corresponds to a rise of 13.4 points compared with the previous…
  6. Research // 10.01.2003

    Lifetime Working Models Uncommon Amongst Service Providers in the Information Society

    In theory, lifetime working models and time savings accounts are welcomed by service providers in the information society. Nevertheless, very few companies have actually introduced this instrument designed to…
  7. Research // 09.01.2003

    Positive End to 2002 for German IT-Related Service Providers

    Turnover growth stabilised in the German sector of IT-related services at the end of 2002. The annual rate of growth in turnover increased to 2.1 percent in the fourth quarter 2002 from 1.4 percent in the…
  8. Research // 17.12.2002

    Voting with Their Feet: Quality of Universities Matters for Students

    When it comes to choosing where to study, economics students in Germany are taking note of the varying quality of universities, rather than focusing on admission restrictions.
  9. Research // 10.12.2002

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Sentiment Remains Flat

    The downward trend of the ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has lost momentum in December. The indicator now stands at 0.6 points.