Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 07.12.2006

    Slight Increase of the Total Expense Ratio for Investments Funds in Europe Since 2001

    The Total Expense Ratio (TER) for investments funds, measured as the total costs of a fund as a percentage of the average fund volume during a business year, has increased in a number of European countries in…
  2. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 16.11.2006

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland: Assessment of Current Condition Slightly Less Positive than in the Previous Month - ZEW Credit Suisse Indicator Regarding the Economic Outlook Continues its Decline to -21.3 Points

    In the survey carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS) in November, the assessment of the financial market experts regarding the current situation of…
  3. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 14.11.2006

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Expectations Have Stabilized

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany dropped slightly by 1.1 points in November. Compared with minus 27.4 points in October, the indicator's current level of minus 28.5 points is still far below…
  4. Research // 13.11.2006

    2008 Corporate Tax Reform: Corrected Plans of the German Federal Government Relieve Companies – However, Further Reform Steps Still Need to Be Taken

    The draft of the 2008 corporate tax reform produced by the working group “Reform der Unternehmenssteuer in Deutschland” (Reform of the German Corporate Tax) headed by Roland Koch (CDU) and Peer Steinbrück (SPD)…
  5. Research // 30.10.2006

    Restricting the Tax Deductibility of Interest Is Bad for Investment

    Restricting the tax deductibility of interest expenses will result in a markedly lower degree of indebtedness of multinational corporations, thus raising taxable profits. At the same time, however, companies’…
  6. Research // 26.10.2006

    EU Emissions Trading - International Linkage Induces Only Minor Economic Benefits

    In providing a framework for the exchange of emissions rights among firms, the EU emissions trading scheme introduced in 2005 carries great significance with respect to the climate protection goals of the Kyoto…
  7. Research // 20.10.2006

    ZEW Forecast Survey October 2006 – Banks Do Not Expect Year-end Rally of Stock Indices

    A further significant increase of DAX and DJ Stoxx 50 is apparently not to be expected until the end of the year. Analysts of German banks, questioned on a quarterly basis by the Centre for European Economic…
  8. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 19.10.2006

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Assessment of Current Condition Rises to Highest Level Since the Launch of the Survey, Indicator for Expectations Regarding Economic Outlook Falls to -14.1 Points

    In the survey carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse in October 2006, the assessment of the financial market experts regarding the current situation of…
  9. Research // 18.10.2006

    ZEW and Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing Present German M&A Balance - Sell out of German economy Not Confirmed

    Since the year 2002 foreign investors have on average acquired about 200 German firms per year. That is, the number of foreign acquisitions in Germany exceeds the number of German acquisitions abroad by about…