Latest Press Releases

  1. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 16.05.2012

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Expectations Tarnish

    Economic expectations for Switzerland have dropped by 6.1 points in May 2012. Thus, the ZEW-CS-Indicator currently manoeuvres at the minus 4.0 points-mark. The ZEW-CS Indicator is calculated monthly by the…
  2. Research // 09.05.2012

    Support Measures within the Biotech Sector: Public Subsidy as a Success Factor for Young Biotech Companies

    Public subsidies to research projects contribute significantly to the success of young biotech companies. They enable the development of technological innovations and have a positive impact on the financing…
  3. Research // 08.05.2012

    M&A Activities in the Automotive Sector Continue to Decline

    The companies in the automotive industry had been on an extended shopping trip during the last decade. But in 2011, M&A activities in the sector collapsed. The worldwide number of acquisitions, mergers, and…
  4. Research // 07.05.2012

    ZEW Expert on the Legislative Package ESM/Fiscal Contract

    "The European Fiscal Contract hasn't got anything to do with stubborn austerity policy", clarifies Dr. Friedrich Heinemann. The head of the Research Department "Corporate Taxation and Public Finance" at the…
  5. Information Economy // 03.05.2012

    Information Economy – Product and Service Sales on the Internet Could Be Expanded

    In 2011, only 13 per cent of the companies in the information economy sold products and services on the Internet. However, 65 per cent of the companies within this sector used the Internet to obtain goods and…
  6. Public Events // 26.04.2012

    ZEW Hosts Largest European Conference for Young Economists

    On Thursday April 26, 2012, the three-day meeting of about 200 young economists started at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. They take part in the "Spring Meeting of Young…
  7. ZEW Annual Report // 25.04.2012

    ZEW Annual Report 2011 Published: ZEW Success Story Continues

    In the business year 2011, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) was able to significantly increase its overall returns by approx. 2.6 million euros to 18.2 million euros. In particular third-party…
  8. Dates and News // 23.04.2012

    Baden-Württemberg Sustainability Days 2012: Students Visit ZEW

    Qualification phase-students from Schwetzingen Business Secondary School (Wirtschaftsgymnasium Schwetzingen) visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim in the context of the…